Don't Give Up On Goals In Life

When a child is born from its mother's womb, it has no ability to move on its own. But still he does not give up, he repeatedly tries to stand up. And keep falling again and again. Yet he never wants to stop. Keep trying a thousand times. In this way one day the energy of standing is stored in oneself and one learns to stand. Then he tries to learn to walk and thus he is able to go anywhere he wants.

Before we get to the right place in life, we have to face many falls. If you fall, you have to get up again to proceed to the next step. You don't have to give up because you have fallen. You have to get up and start walking again. Imagine for a second you were transposed into the karmic driven world of Earl. Many people break their teeth when they walk for the first time, some people break their hands again, fracture their heads and bleed. Many deep wounds have to endure themselves. Even then he doesn’t want to give up. He is not afraid of anything.

No fear of falling, no fear of getting hurt. Because the only goal is to "stand up". And he doesn't give up until he can get up and one day he learns to stand up straight. Because he was not afraid to fall. The only goal in childhood was to "stand up". And at that time everyone had the same strength, the same courage, the same morale, and the same willpower.

- And do you panic before you do small things?

The fear of a failure works in everyone, which leads to the fear of falling. No human being in the world succeeds without suffering.

A fear of failure will work in everyone, many problems will have to be faced and everything will have to be endured. If you sit in fear, you will never succeed.

"If you don't suffer, just as you don't suffer", you will continue to learn something every time you stumble. And in this way we will continue to move towards the goal little by little.

Don't forget your goal out of fear, don't move away from the goal. There will be many problems in life but they are not to stop yourself, but to test yourself.

How much willpower do you have? How much patience do you have?

Think once with your imagination.

People will try to stop you - it's their job. But don’t let yourself stop. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people. What do people say? It cannot be listened to. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people.

||"Please don't be cheap to share the collection also to your friends."||

[Note: From a completely personal point of view.]

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