Culture of Bangladesh - Paragraph Writing


Culture is a state and testimony of mental development of human society. Culture reflects a complete picture of a specific social group. It represents its way of living, language, music, games and sports, food habits, thinking and feeling about self and others, recreational activities and so on. Culture varies from continent to continent, nation to nation and even between different regional groups within the same nation. For example, Bengali culture is very much different from American, British, French or Italian culture. Again among the Bengaleses there is cultural difference between people of northern, southern and eastern districts. People of western countries are very much different of many Asian countries in their dresses, food habits, leisure enjoyment, occupation, guest entertainment etc. The significant difference is noticed in dress, occupation and moment of women. The developed nations are very much conscious and serious in preserving their culture. But our young generation doesn't brother about our own culture rather runs behind western culture blindly. It is very harmful for the existence of our culture. So, appropriate measures should be taken in this regard.

The Bangladeshi culture

The age old and traditional culture maintained by Bangladeshi people is the Bangladeshi culture. It is different from that of others in the world. We have our own dress, language, food habit, games and sports, social customs, literature, art, values, music, religion, manner of entertainment, hospitality, behavioural pattern and so on. Bengali is our mother language. Lungi and Panjabi for males and shari and blouse for females are our traditional dresses. Our common foods are rice, fish, dal, meat and vegetables. We are proud of our folk songs like Jari murshidi lalangiti Thakue's song, Nazrul's song. Ektara, Dotara, Dhol, khol etc are traditional musical instruments. Among our age old tradition are celebration of Chaitra Sankranti, Pahela Baishakh etc. Jatra is still a very popular entertaining event particularly to the rural people. Our village games like - Ha-du-du, Dariabandha, Lathi khela, Boat race etc are our cultural heritage. Our hospitality is praised by the visiting foreigners. Having such a rich culture our young generation is running after western culture. They are considering western dress, music, food, behaviour, manner etc. as means of modernization. They should be motivated to be accustomed with our own culture so that we exist as an identical nation in the world.

Influence of the Western culture on the Bangladeshi culture

Influence of the Western culture on the Bangladeshi people is the talk of the time. Our intellectuals and people with social consciousness are deeply concerned over this issue. They think that the western culture is engulfing our culture in such a manner that our age old cultural identity is going to be lost. Most Bangladeshis follow the harmful parts of western civilization. they blindly follow western fashions, dresses, hair style, livelihood, food habits, entertainment and so on. They find pleasure in western music and in watching vulgar and obscene films. They feel proud of talking in western languages and style. They rarely take lesson from the western civilization for achieving progress. There are many good things in western civilization. Sincerity, honesty, hard labour, timeliness, respect to others, curiosity for knowledge, social security and justice, discipline, Patriotism etc. are the key elements of their civilization. These of course can lead us to the way of development. But unfortunately, we avoid these things carefully and accept those that are against our social customs. So influence of western civilization on our society is considered a threat. We must be conscious about it and take necessary action to uphold our own way of life.

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