To Know About The World’s 5 Smallest Countries (Part-01)

The world contains billions upon billions of individuals spread far and wide.

Just like the people themselves the countries are often rather strange and hold some very interesting facts.

I often wonder what’s the largest, longest, lowest or most luxurious country within the world and what wonders does that specific country hold.

Here we’re getting to check out 5 of the world’s smallest countries.

But don’t be fooled by their size, these places hold some fascinating bits of information from the people to the landscape.

#1. Grenada – 348.5 sq. km (134.6 sq. mile)

Grenada, or the Spice of the Caribbean, is that the tenth smallest country within the world.

As of January 2018, Grenada has a population of over 111,454.

Compared to a number of the countries to come, may be a reasonably lower populated location measuring 134.6 sq. mile (348.5 sq. km).

Grenada is known because the Spice of the Caribbean as its one among the most important producers of nutmeg and mace in the world, with inhabitants saying the smell wafts around the island.

The most popular sport in the country is cricket.

#2. Malta – 316 sq. km (122 sq. mile)

When compared to Grenada’s population of 111,454, Malta is practically a bustling empire.

With over 514,564 people as of January 2019, this makes it one among Europe’s most populated countries.

The republic of Malta is made of three separate parts; Gozo, Comino and Malta.

According to a 2013 report by the UN, Malta is that the 48th happiest country within the world.

Malta is home to Calypso cave, a cave that overlooks Sandy Beach, Ramla Bay.

This features in Homers “The Odyssey” because the location Calypso kept Odysseus locked up as a “prisoner of love” for seven years.

She guaranteed him immortality if he stayed along with her but he ran away to his wife Penelope.

#3. Maldives – 300 sq. km (120 sq. mile) 

The Maldives is an archipelago of 1,192 coral islands grouped into 26 coral atolls, of which 200 are inhabited.

This makes the Maldives the foremost dispersed country in Asia.

The Maldives became an independent country in 26 July 1965 and as of January 2020 the population was slightly below 379,270. Global climate change may be a serious issue when it involves this area.

In 2009 the then-president, and 13 other officials sat at desks at rock bottom of the ocean.

They wearing full scuba gear to boost awareness about the potential dangers the islands face.

#4. Saint Kitts and Nevis – 261 sq. km (101 sq. mile)

This two-island country is found within the Eastern Caribbean and as of January 2018, the population was slightly below 52,441. The Saint Kitts and Nevis became an independent country in 19 September 1983.

This shows the sheer secluded nature of the attractive place.

There are some much respected figures who have at one stage called this island home.

Alexander Hamilton one among the founding fathers of the US as an example was born here.

#5. Liechtenstein – 160 sq. km (62 sq. mile)

Liechtenstein is an incredibly interesting country with some very weird occurrences over its lifetime.

As of January 2020, the population was just 38,896. Separation from German Confederation in 23 August 1866.

Found between Switzerland and Austria the country is an incredibly safe one, crime rate is drastically low with the last murder occurring in 1997!

Lichtenstein have a weird history when it involves the military also.

In March 2007 the country was accidentally invaded by the Swiss army, when 170 armed soldiers wandered 1 mile across an unmarked border.

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