What is e-mail? - Paragraph Writing


E-mail - Paragraph

  • What is E-mail?
  • How does it work?
  • What are the advantages of E-mail?
  • Who can have an E-mail connection?
  • What is the full form of E-mail?


Electronic mail, popularly known as e-mail, is the communication of textual messages via electronic means. It is one of the best wonders of modern science. It has brought about a revolution in modern communication. It is very cheap and easy to use. This communication is used by the user via the computer. E-mail is delivered to individual electronic mailboxes based on computers. In order to operate an e-mail system, a personal computer, a modern and a telephone connection are needed. An important advantage of e-mail is its ability to reduce the consumption of paper in the office. Internal memos and reports can be exchanged electronically without using paper. Being a computer-based messaging system files prepared on computers can be instantly copied and easily exchanged as e-mail. Trade and commerce have become greatly dependent on this speedy mode of communication. It has however not reached everyone, especially in developing countries like ours, as most people can not afford to have a personal computer. So the govt. should take necessary steps to make it available for all classes of people to cope with the modern world.

The full meaning of E-mail is Electronic mail.

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