MY CHILDHOOD - Paragraph Writing

MY CHILDHOOD - Paragraph

  • What was your childhood like?
  • Where did you spend your childhood and how?
  • Can you remember your first school?
  • How were your teachers and classmates?
  • What sweet memories of those days do you have?
  • Do you have any bitter experiences?
  • How do you feel when you recollect your childhood days?


I can remember some of the memories of my childhood. Although I live in a town now, my childhood was spent in a village. My schooling began when I was six years old. On a fine morning, I accompanied my father to school. He introduced me to the Headmaster and other teachers who asked me some questions. I was able to impress my teachers by answering the questions properly. I have sweet memories of my childhood. All the teachers in my primary school loved me very much because I was a good student. I was also good at sports. On various occasions when I got many prizes, I felt ecstatic. In my family, I was the eldest child of my parents. My grandparents told me stories. They gave me nice gifts on different occasions. Sometimes I would go to my maternal uncle's house which was three miles away from our house and I spent very happy days there. I had a bitter experience in my childhood. One day while I was stealing apples from the trees of one of our neighbors, I was caught red-handed. I was beaten by my father for such a theft case. This incident still haunts me. Apart from such an unpleasant experience, my childhood was quite pleasant. Whenever I remember the days of my childhood I feel nostalgic.

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