EVE TEASING - Paragraph Writing


EVE TEASING - Paragraph

  • What do you understand by eve-teasing?
  • Who are the common eve teasers?
  • What is your attitude to them?
  • Who are the main targets of this heinous act?
  • What are the causes of eve-teasing?
  • What are its effects?
  • What measures should be taken against eve-teasing?


Eve teasing has become a very familiar term nowadays in Bangladesh. Eve, the first woman, represents women folk, and teasing means irritating. So, Eve teasing means irritating women to arouse sexual desire in someone. Those who tease women are called stalkers. Eve teasing has been termed as sexual harassment. So different forms of stalking and sexual harassment are widely known as Eve-teasing. Women, especially young girls often fall victim to the stalkers. Stalkers lie in wait here and there and whenever they see girls they try to draw their attraction by gestures and slang words. At this, the girls feel very embarrassed and dishonored. If anyone protests Eve teasing the teasers become violent and threaten the person who protests. They even threaten the girls to death or physical torture. Basically, boys tease girls because these boys are not properly socialized and they are not taught manners and etiquette in their families. The stalkers are actually deprived of the love and affection of their parents. They should be taught to respect girls as human beings. Teasing sometimes becomes so intolerable that the girls are compelled to commit suicide at an early age. As a result, Eve teasing has become a great threat to society. To prevent this criminal activity the stalkers should be given exemplary punishment.

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