AN IDEAL STUDENT - Paragraph Writing

AN IDEAL STUDENT - Paragraph Writing


  • Who is an ideal student?
  • What are the duties of an ideal student?
  • Does he take part in games and sports?
  • Is he obedient to his superiors?


The word 'student' denotes a person who is fond of studies. But studies do not mean just bookish knowledge but real knowledge of men, society, nature, etc. Such variegated knowledge can be obtained only by a person of strong mind, good heart, and sound health. So, the very meaning of being an ideal student is one who has been interested in developing an all-around personality. He has a thirst for knowledge. He has the curiosity to learn new and new things about man and nature. He has a regular routine for doing everything. Thus he is regular and punctual. He gets up early in the morning, takes regular exercise, and goes to his school in time. He devotes his time to study wholeheartedly and is in the good books of his teachers whom he respects sincerely as he respects his parents. He helps the weak students in their studies and never makes fun of them. He may have a healthy competition with other students but he is never jealous of them. Failures do not depress him, nor success turns his head. He has a balanced mind and personality. An ideal student is very particular about his character and manners. He is truthful, honest, and frank. He has no evil habits like drinking, smoking, gambling, cheating, etc. He is a great patriot and is ready to die for his country. In short, it can be said that an ideal student is one who is excellent in studies, good in co-curricular activities, respectful to his elders, and is followed by other students as a model of perfection.

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