AIR POLLUTION - Paragraph Writing

AIR POLLUTION - Paragraph Writing


  • What is air pollution?
  • Where is air pollution acute?
  • How do men pollute the air?
  • How do factories and vehicles pollute the air?
  • What are the other sources of air pollution?
  • What are the causes of serious air pollution?
  • What should we do to minimize air pollution?
  • How can we prevent air pollution?


Air is an important element of our environment. We can't live a single moment without air. When the air contains harmful elements, it is called air pollution. Air pollution is a very serious problem in city areas. Man makes fire while cooking food, burning trash and melting pitch for road construction and to do many things. Fire creates smoke and pollutes the air. Railway engines and powerhouses create smoke by burning coal and oil. Mills, buses, trucks, and cars use oil. Mills and factories belch a lot of smoke. Buses, trucks, and cars use petrol and diesel oil and emit carbon dioxide gas which pollutes the air seriously. Man also throws different kinds of waste here and there and causes air pollution. Men are also cutting down trees at random which impedes to cause air pollution. Air pollution causes great health hazards. Serious air pollution occurs in industrial areas where the work became sick. Sometimes the sickness is so serious that it can't be cured. Radon released from rocks and soil carry radium and it leads to lung cancer. It is incurable. To prevent air pollution, we should be determined and take positive steps to make our air clean. Steps must be taken to control the haphazard growth of industries. We should shift the mills and factories away from the cities. Lead-free petrol and compressed natural gas (CNG) should be used in vehicles to minimize air pollution. The best way to stop pollution is to plant trees and take care of them. The wildlife must be preserved and the mass cutting down of trees must be prevented.

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