TRAFFIC JAM - Paragraph Writing

TRAFFIC JAM - Paragraph Writing

TRAFFIC JAM - Paragraph

  • Where does the traffic jam occur?
  • What are the problems in Dhaka city?
  • Why does it occur?
  • What are your suggestions to solve the problem?


Traffic jams or traffic congestion has become a big problem in many metropolitan cities of the world. In Bangladesh, this problem is most serious in Dhaka city. The city streets are often clogged with a long line of vehicles that can not move. Sometimes the vehicles standstill hours together. This kills the valuable time of the passengers. They can not reach their destination in time. There are many reasons for traffic congestion. A huge number of people live in the city. They need more vehicles and more traffic space to move on. But the roads and streets of Dhaka can not provide such space for the huge number of vehicles to ply on. In many metropolitan cities in the world, there are underground railroads/subways and a sufficient number of flyovers that manage the traffic well. But in Dhaka city, there is no such plan till now. Experts say that narrow roads, rickshaws, excess pressure of population, etc. contribute to the traffic congestion. Whatever be the causes of it, the problem needs to be solved or at least we should keep it under a tolerable level. It is necessary for the Government to identify all the causes of traffic jams and try its best to take all possible steps to solve the problem.

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