Bangla New Year Pahela Baishakh - Paragraph Writing

Bangla New Year Pahela Baishakh - Paragraph Writing
Bangla New Year - Pahela Baishakh

Bangla New Year Pahela Baishakh - Paragraph

  • What do you mean by Pahela Baishakh?
  • How do the Chhayanat and other cultural organisations celebrate the day?
  • What do the people wear on this day?
  • What is the main attraction of the day?
  • How do the traders and shopkeepers celebrate the day?

The following paragraph is written in about 100 words based on the given question. Here it is...

Pahela Baishakh

Pahela Baishakh is that the first day of Bangla New Year. It is a traditional festival in the life of Bangladeshis. Every year the day is celebrated across the country with rejoicing. The Chhayanat, a leading cultural organization, begins the day's first program at dawn Ramna Batamul in Dhaka. On this day men and women and particularly youngsters wear traditional clothes and attend various programs to celebrate the New Year. The main attraction of the day is Baishakhi Mela (Fair) which is held both in rural and urban areas of the country. People in cheerful minds visit Baishakhi Mela and buy different things. Different socio-cultural organizations arrange various programs, such as cultural functions, discussions, and bringing out colorful processions. On this present day traders and shopkeepers open halkhata in pursuance of the age-old tradition. The Government also takes some programs and national dailies bring out supplements to mark the day. This day is a public holiday. So everybody can participate and enjoy the programs of the day.

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Pahela Baishakh is the 1st day of the Bangla New Year. Today it is celebrated with traditional festivities both in villages and towns. In rural areas, Baishakhi Mela is held in different places and special meals are arranged for this purpose. People gather in the Baishakhi Mela with their hand-made earthenwares and earthen things for household use. People in rural areas also bring handicrafts and other articles of cottage industries. There are toy shops, show-pieces, and sweets. People sell and buy various items here. They enjoy circus 'shows, puppet shows, magic shows and Jatra, etc In towns and cities, rallies and processions are held bearing banners and festoons. Girls and women wear yellow Sharee and boys wear Pajama-Panjabi. In some places, Baishakhi Melas are also held. Pantha and hilsha are sold in the Baishakhi Melas. Many cultural programs are held in urban areas. Many prominent artists attend the programs. In Dhaka, people attend the "Gano-Sangeeter Ashor" at Ramna Batmul in the morning. Shopkeepers both in towns and villages open Halkhata and distribute sweets among their clients and customers. Bangladesh Betar and TV telecast these programs live. Private TV Channels also broadcasts special programs on this occasion. Many supplements are published on the day with special articles on Pahela Baishakh. This day has great significance for us. It manifests our own tradition and culture. It is marked as an important occasion for our national identity.

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