A MOONLIT NIGHT - Paragraph Writing

A MOONLIT NIGHT - Paragraph Writing


  • What is a moonlit night?
  • What is its impact on the human mind?
  • How does nature look at such a night?
  • How do villagers enjoy a moonlit night?
  • How do city dwellers sometimes enjoy it?


A moonlit night is a night when the full moon shines with a full-beam in a clear sky. On a moonlit night, the surrounding atmosphere is flooded with beams of the moon. A moonlit night is charming and attractive. It presents an amazing sight. A moonlit night dazzles our eyes and soothes our hearts. The moon looks like a silvery disc. The whole world seems to be bathed with the silvery light of the moon. Canals, rivers, streams, and brooks sparkle with moonlight. People of all ages are beside with joy on a moonlit night. On a moonlit night, village people do not go to sleep early. They cannot but enjoy the beautiful sight of nature. Children come out of doors to listen to the stories narrated by their grandmothers. Old people pass their time in gossiping. After a day's hard work, people like to pass away their time in making merriment on a moonlit night. Insects fly here and there to enjoy the beautiful sight of a moonlit night. City people can hardly enjoy the original and natural beauty of a moonlit night because the moon remains mostly invisible in the city because of the artificial electric light and the high-rise buildings. But sometimes city dwellers, spend their leisure at night on the rooftop of high-rise buildings and enjoy Rooftop parties on a moonlit night.

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