A NUCLEAR FAMILY - Paragraph Writing

A NUCLEAR FAMILY - Paragraph Writing


  • What kind of family do you live in? Extended or nuclear?
  • Why is the nuclear family getting popular day by day?
  • What are the advantages you find in a nuclear family?
  • What are the disadvantages of it?
  • Do you think society is following the right way?


The family consisting of husband, wife, and children is known as a nuclear family. It is the product of urbanization as people migrate from villages to towns or from one country to another for livelihood. A nuclear family is relatively calm and quiet in nature due to its limited members. Having less family responsibility the family head can pay much attention and time to career-building efforts. Much attention and financial support can also be paid to meet all the demands of the family members. The children of a nuclear family can study at home without any disturbance, can get an adequate balanced diet, and so on. A harmonious relationship prevails among its members. But, the negative aspect of a nuclear family is that its members become self-centered and less sympathetic to others. Sense of responsibility and the sacrificial tendency is not exercised adequately among the children. Family life often becomes monotonous and boring. In case of emergency or family crisis the members feel helpless and suffer from anxiety and frustration. It is true that the facilities of a nuclear family are supportive to the development of individual potentials, but the members of a nuclear family lack some humanitarian virtues.

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