SPACE TRAVEL - Paragraph Writing

SPACE TRAVEL - Paragraph

  • Wasn't space travel a dream?
  • Who built rockets?
  • Which country made a successful journey to the moon?
  • Who first set foot on the moon?
  • Did it encourage any further exploration?
  • What is the next target of the astronauts?


Space travel has become an interesting expedition in today's world. But only the developed countries are able to afford this. Since the invention of the rocket man's adventure for space exploration started. It was in 1969 when three Russian astronauts Michel Collins, Edwin Aldrin, and Neil Armstrong successfully landed on the surface of the moon. Afterwards, space travel and space exploration got momentum. Today in the developed world, many people are thinking to make a tour of the space simply for experience and adventure. NASA has brought considerable success in sending sophisticated space crafts on the space of Mars for collecting information about the planet. Many astronauts are now spending their days in the space shuttle for new researches about space. Very recently a very special shuttle has been sent in space for a period of five years for searches in space whether there is any such planet like the earth with living things. Thus, scientists are continuously exploring space and providing more and more information about space. In the near future space travel, hopefully, will be easier and cheaper.

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