DANGERS OF SMOKING - Paragraph Writing

DANGERS OF SMOKING - Paragraph Writing


  • What is smoking?
  • Why do the people generally smoke?
  • How does one become addicted to smoking?
  • What are the bad effects of smoking?
  • What should we do to stop smoking in our country?

The following paragraph is written in about 100 words based on the given question. Here it is...


Smoking is the worst bad habit. A man is not a born smoker. He is the victim of the situation. Most young people had started smoking out of curiosity. Gradually this curiosity stamped as a chain smoker. A smoker may feel himself smart for a few moments. He may argue that a puff of cigarette helps him to forget the tensions. But he cannot evade the damaging coo of smoking. At one stage of life, he will understand why he has earned through smoking. It may cause cancer, heart attack, chronic bronchitis, and several ether deadly diseases. The passive smokers worst suffer from smoking. A single puff of cigarette smoke contains 15 billion toxic matter. They are fatal to human beings. The immediate effect of smoking is the rise in blood pressure. It also irritates the brain. Therefore, we should avoid the habit. And we have to discourage others by saying, " A smoking man is a savage man”.

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The following paragraph is written in about 200 words based on the given question.


Smoking is no doubt a bad habit. There are many harmful effects of this bad habit. The most dangerous effect is that it causes a serious health hazard. A smoker increases the risk of being attacked with heart attack, stroke, and cancer. She/He usually suffers from various kinds of respiratory diseases like bronchitis, asthma, and coughing. A bad smell comes out of his mouth that causes serious irritation to the non-smokers. Non-smokers are also harmed by a smoker. It is an irony that despite knowing the bad effects of smoking, people smoke. A precautionary slogan 'Smoking is harmful to health' is written on the cigarette packet. But smokers are unaware of it. In fact, smoking is a serious addiction. It becomes very difficult to give up this habit. So, it is better not to be habituated. Recently Government has taken some steps to discourage smoking and protect non-smokers from being affected by smokers. A law has been passed to ban smoking in public places. It is true that this effort is not sufficient to prevent people from smoking. It is necessary to raise a social campaign against smoking and make people aware of the danger caused by smoking.

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