LOAD SHEDDING - Paragraph Writing

LOAD SHEDDING - Paragraph Writing


  • What is load-shedding?
  • Why load-shedding is caused?
  • What are the difficulties of load-shedding?
  • Should load-shedding be avoided? 

The following paragraph is written in about 100 words based on the given question. Here it is...


Load-shedding means the absence of current. It has become a part and parcel of our lifestyle. We cannot think about our modern life without electricity. Load shedding occurs when a generation of power is a smaller amount than the demand. It creates many problems in our daily life. It makes interruption in the way of the economic and social development of the country. Factories and mills become idle, industrial production declines. Domestic life becomes unpleasant. Students suffer in their studies. A housewife groups go into the darkness in the kitchen. We cannot enjoy television programs. In a word, we can say that during the load-shedding our life perfectly becomes standstill. It sounds to be avoided for the good of the people.

You can also write this Paragraph...

If you need 200 words paragraph you choose the below one.


  • What is load-shedding?
  • When and why does it occur?
  • What are the effects of load-shedding?
  • Who are the worst sufferers?
  • How does it affect the students?
  • What is its effect in the industrial sector?
  • What should the government do to stop load-shedding?
  • How can we minimize load-shedding?

The following paragraph is written in about 200 words based on the given question.


Load shedding means cutting off electricity in certain lines for the time being. It has become a serious problem in Bangladesh. It occurs when the demand for electricity becomes greater than the supply. Electricity seems to be the greatest boon of modern civilization, on one hand, its interruption becomes intolerable on the other. Load shedding, thus, brings untold sufferings to the lives of people. It virtually paralyzes city life and hampers production in mills and factories. Though all sections of people directly or indirectly suffer from the curse of load shedding, students, patients, and housewives are perhaps the worst sufferers. There are, of course, many causes of load shedding. With the growth of population and urbanization, the demand for electricity has increased a lot but the production of electricity remains almost constant. As a result, a serious crisis is occurring in the power sector. Government should pay heed to the matter and take all necessary steps to keep load shedding under a tolerable level. Also, people in general will have to be considerate in the use of electricity so that no misuse is done. By being conscious of using this valuable energy it is possible to minimize the crisis to some extent.

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