INTERNET - Paragraph Writing

INTERNET - Paragraph Writing

INTERNET - Paragraph

  • What do you understand by internet?
  • How does it work?
  • What is the importance of the internet?
  • What is the disadvantage of the internet?
  • Has it widely spread all over Bangladesh?
  • Why are people deprived of the benefit of the internet?

The following paragraph is written in about 200 words based on the given question. Here it is...


Internet is a computerised network of information. It is the abbreviated form of International Network. Its symbolic meaning is WWW (World Wide Web). The Internet has made possible everything. It functions smoothly, easily, and rapidly. A man can dial a number from his computer and a link to the internet will soon give him a connection in and outside the country according to his expectation. It is practically a network of all networks. The business communities, economists, teachers, students, politicians, and other professionals are now seeking necessary information through the internet. Businessmen can learn the business trend and price of commodities of other countries. Economists can learn the economic trend of the world. Students can go through several books from the libraries without going there. They can seek information regarding admission to different foreign universities. We can get any piece of information by clicking a mouse instantly. We can get information about books, movies latest news, music, medicine, inventions, etc. We can send mail electronically to any part of the world at the fastest possible time. Internet communication has brought a revolution in offices and banks. We can collect any required information within a few seconds. Despite its advantages, it has some negative aspects. The nakedness of the forbidden world of the internet is leading our young generation to the bottomless pit of moral decadence. Blackmailing, virus infection, and stealing of information cause great harm to the users. But it is a matter of sorrow that many people of Bangladesh don't have still access to the internet. In conclusion, to satisfy the dream of creating Digital Bangladesh computers and the internet can play a significant role.

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