OUR ENVIRONMENT - Paragraph Writing

OUR ENVIRONMENT - Paragraph Writing


  • What does the environment refer to?
  • What elements make up the environment?
  • What is the relation among different elements?
  • What will happen if this relationship is disturbed?
  • What is the necessity of an ecological balance?
  • Do you have any idea about its solution?

The following paragraph is written in about 200 words based on the given question. Here it is...


The environment refers to the air, water, and land in which people, animals, and plants live. So human beings, animals, plants, air, water, and soil are the main elements of nature. Natural forces like storms, cyclones, and earthquakes are also a part of this environment. Climate is thus a condition of the environment. There is a very close relationship among all these elements of the environment. All these things hang together and maintain a balance. This balance or relationship may be disturbed if there is any alteration among the elements of the environment. The disturbances may cause serious harm or disasters to the lives of human beings and to other animals. It is ecological imbalance that causes changes in the world's climate and brings about different kinds of natural disasters. In fact, human beings are responsible for creating disturbances to the ecosystem. They are destroying plants and other animals recklessly and are creating a serious threat to their own lives. It is high time we developed a concern about maintaining the ecological balance. This is of course not related to any particular country or society. This has become a global issue today. I think the world community must act wisely and try to prevent the environment from being spoilt.

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