A DAY LABOURER - Paragraph Writing


A DAY LABOURER - Paragraph

  • Who is a day labourer?
  • How does he live?
  • What does he do every day?
  • How is his life?
  • What are his e joys and sufferings?
  • How can his condition be improved?


A day labourer works for the whole day. He is a very hard-working man. He has no definite job. Usually, a day labourer lives in a slum or in a hut. He gets up very early in the morning and goes out in search of work. He continues his work till the sunsets. A day labourer works in an agricultural field, in a construction site, in a railway station, a bus terminal, a ferry ghat, a launch terminal, etc. Though a day labourer is engaged in heavy manual work, he is always neglected and his work is not evaluated. Rather he is looked down upon in our society. He has to struggle for his existence. A day labourer works under an employer. After hard work for the whole day, he goes to the market to buy some rice and vegetables. Then he returns home. Food is cooked and he has his meal with the family. He earns by the sweat of his brow. If he cannot manage work on any day, he has to starve with his family. He does not know how to take a rest. If he is ill, he does not get proper treatment. He cannot send his children to school. He cannot buy good clothes. He puts on a shabby dress. A day labourer is always ill-fed and ill-clad. He is burdened with a big family. When he becomes old and cannot work, he has to drag a miserable life.

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