THE LIFE OF A TOKAI - Paragraph Writing


  • Who is a Tokai?
  • Where does he come from?
  • How does he earn his livelihood?
  • Where does he reside?
  • Where does he sleep?
  • How does he live?


A Tokai is a helpless boy or girl who moves along the streets of a town or a city. He is homeless and shelterless. He collects papers, wastes, or leftover things to sell. By selling all these things, he maintains his life. A Tokai is deprived of education. He is ill-fed and ill-clad. He has no place to live or sleep. He sleeps on the road or street. Sometimes he cannot manage his food. When he becomes hungry and cannot earn any money by selling anything, he is sometimes found to be stealing from his hunger. Though he wants to do work, he cannot always do work because he has no skill. Sometimes we see him pushing a cart, carrying luggage or load on his head or selling flowers, etc. We often find a Tokai with a sack upon his shoulder in search of something to sell from the rubbish or wastes thrown away into the dustbin. The most painful and shocking sight is to see a Tokai eating spoiled or rotten food competing with a crow or a dog from the dustbin. The life of a Tokai is very tragic. He is deprived of all child rights or human rights. He leads a pitiable and miserable life. He has no security or comfort in life. His life is always filled with uncertainty. The government and other humanitarian organizations should take the necessary steps to rehabilitate them.

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